
Showing posts with label Obama birth certificate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama birth certificate. Show all posts

Release of President Obama’s Long-Form Birth Certificate Was Stupid and Wrong

Wednesday, April 27, 2011 0 comments
How stupid was it to release President Obama ’s long-form birth certificate ? Let me count the ways. As Dan Pfeiffer said , the Birther issue was “good politics and good TV,” but I strongly disagree thatit was “bad for the American people,” especially from Barack Obama’s point of view. His decision to cash in the Birther chips is an awful decision for them, unless he believes the country would be better off without him as president in 2013, .
As a writer for a media criticismwebsite, the apparent death of the Birther story as a mainstream news meme is beyond tragic. Covering the media’s coverage of Donald Trump ’s Birther and Bailey Circus has been like shooting arthritic fish in a barrel with a shotgun.
With any luck, Trump will stick around the Teevee, and the top of Republican primary polls, with a steady regurgitation of other chain emails, crazy talk, and just plain dickishness, but this definite’y puts a crimp in The Donald’s media mojo.
The American people have been well-served by this Birther story, for precisely the reasons President Obama gave to end it.While it did give rise to an absurdly popular Donald Trump candidacy, it also revealed to Americans the unserious nature of an absurdly large number of Republicans. This issue promised to be a crucible against which GOP candidates (as they eventually declared) could be judged sane or not.

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Is Obama a CIA Candidate

Thursday, April 21, 2011 0 comments

The nexus of Obama’s almae matres: Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard, as well as that of his parents, the University of Hawaii, in the CIA’s mind control, behavioral modification, and mass hypnosis projects is deeply troubling. The fact that Obama has failed to provide a full accounting of his past academic and professional employment history, coupled with the presence of a major CIA presence within his and his parents’, grandparents’, and step-father’s backgrounds opens up the real possibility that Obama was, to use the CIA’s own term, “nurtured,” for a higher calling.

Obama told the nation that his would be the most open and transparent in recent recent history. However, Obama’s biography and those of his parents and guardians are full of more holes than a slice of Swiss cheese. It is well past time for the President to make good on that promise and fully release his past academic, passport, employment, and overseas travel records. After eight brutal years of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, the nation was ready for any change. Unfortunately, the CIA, through LOOKING GLASS, MK-ULTRA, ARTICHOKE, PANDORA, and other behavioral science programs were ready to answer the call. The CIA answered the call with Obama and most of us bought him and his “Hope and Change” propaganda fecundity “nurtured” by CIA programs going back some sixty years.


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