First lady Michelle Obama helps unveil MyPlate. (By Susan Walsh/Associated Press) After decades of trying to live within the rigid parameters of the food pyramid, a plump American populace now has a more practical option: the plate.
Fruits and vegetables make up half of the USDA’s new “MyPlate” guidelines. Grains and proteins take their respective quarters, and a cup of “dairy” rests to the side. As for desserts? Forget it. First lady Michelle Obama was on hand to help unveil the plate Thursday, which now replaces the historic (and, for some, historically confusing ) guidelines found within the food pyramid.
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Fruits and vegetables make up half of the USDA’s new “MyPlate” guidelines. Grains and proteins take their respective quarters, and a cup of “dairy” rests to the side. As for desserts? Forget it. First lady Michelle Obama was on hand to help unveil the plate Thursday, which now replaces the historic (and, for some, historically confusing ) guidelines found within the food pyramid.