
Why No Wedding Invite for Obama?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
No one else may have noticed, but conservative radio star RushLimbaugh did. President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle didn’t get invited to the royal wedding in England this week, while "other dictators" did, he said, according to Politico .
"There is a little bit of controversy here," Limbaugh said. "The queen has invited leaders of Bahrain, Swaziland and Saudi Arabia, all of whom preside over severe human rights abuses ... but for some odd reason, the Obamas still didn't make the list. This is a sign of how life is unfair."
Limbaugh has one humorous explanation for the Obamas lackof an invitation. "Why do I think the Obamas weren't invited? We can only wild-guess this," he said. "It might have to do with fact that the queen didn't really appreciate all those speeches on the iPad [iPod] that he gave her."


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