How many people died / will die at Chernobyl or Fukushima? Well if you believe a website put up by people who make a living making nuclear power , two Chernobyl plant workers died onthe night of the accident, and a further 28 people died within a few weeks as a result of acute radiation poisoning. “UNSCEAR says that apart from increased thyroid cancers, there is no evidence of a major public health impact attributable to radiation exposure 20 years afterthe accident.”
If you ask the anti-nuclear left, Greenpeace figures a quarter of a million cancer cases and 100,000 fatal cancers, plus another 60,000 deaths in russia and 140,000 in the Ukraine and Belarus because of the accident.
A russian publication “Chernobyl” calculates nearly a million excess deaths occurred to 2004 as a result of radioactive contamination. Chris Busby is a scientist who shows up on 9-11 “truth” conspiracy sites like Veterans Today and Alex Jones’s Infowars, and was interviewed by Al-Jazeera Arabic (you know, the network where everybody left comments cursing our president, and wishing that Bin Laden meet his maker as a lion and a blessed martyr) on his study of the good people of Falluja (the town that gave our Marines such an explosive welcome ) concluding that “”Falluja is Worse Than Hiroshima”. He told Russian Today (another 9-11 truth outlet making a killing on the Japan disasters) that hydrogen explosion at unit 1 was nuclear blast. He figures Chernobyl had killed 1.5 million people and predicts Fukushima’s will be as bad or worse.
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