
Kate Upton’s Friday News and Views

Monday, July 18, 2011

Kate Upton’s Friday News and Views

by @ 12:01 am. Filed under Blue Blooded Opinions

See? Real girls eat cheeseburgers (or, at least hold them in front of their face for pictures).

Dan Fouts. Tara Lipinski. Elizabeth Hurley. All of these people were born on June 10th. But, I know you. I know what you want. I know what you need. So, I dedicate my inaugural News & Views to a woman you rank above any other…Jeanne Tripplehorn. Just kidding (she is awesome, though). Of course, I mean Kate Upton, who was born on this day way back in…1992 (feel old yet?). After driving you guys crazy with her viral Dougie dance, Kate turned her sights on Louisville, where she co-hosted the Ferdinand Ball with our beloved Boogie. She even posed for a few candids with our very own Matt Jones and Drew Franklin, forever cementing her place in their Facebook Profile Picture history. But did you know that Kate is an accomplished equestrian? As a teenager, Kate competed in national American Paint Horse Association shows. Her trophy rack is stacked (see what I did there?) with five APHA Reserve World Championships and various other rankings and ribbons.

Sports Illustrated, Victoria’s Secret, Kanye West’s arms, downtown Louisville: Kate’s everywhere these days. On Tuesday, she even made an appearance on Tosh.0 in a skit entitled “Knife or Banana.” After watching, I’ll give her a B+ for effort. I’ll bump that to an A if I find out she actually ate that cheeseburger in the picture above. So, there you go. Kate Upton, your Friday News and Views honoree. Don’t say I never gave you anything.

On, On to the news and views…

- If the pictures of Ryan Harrow


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